Food Pantry
"Meeting the needs of others"
Do you or anyone you know need dairy, meat, fresh fruits, vegetables and/or face masks?
Our food pantry has resumed! We will be back in Inkster and Taylor communities with FREE FOOD and FACE MASKS!
We are responsible for providing more than 200,000 boxes of fresh produce to families in the Southeast Michigan region! We are looking forward to seeing you at one of our sites to receive your FREE FOOD and FACE MASKS!
We are always looking for volunteers, if you would like to make a difference in the community, feel free to contact us.
To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, we are asking you to remain in your vehicle. Once you arrive at the site, open or unlock your trunk and we will place the items inside.
Please come to 1 Resource Site to be serviced so we can feed more families.
Food selection may include:
Orange Juice
and so much more!!